
How to make all your Amazon orders always meet its "delivery date"?

How to make all your Amazon orders always meet its "delivery date"?

If you're running your own Amazon shop, you must know the importance of the shipping time and when it can be delivered to your customers. There will be a delivery date in Amazon, which you really need to pay high attention to. If you fail to make it, you'll be at risk of negative feedback or "A_Z claims".

And this can be perfectly solved by using a third-party package-tracking platform, called TrackingMore. They're developing a new project related to Amazon, it seems like they'll support Amazon in the near future. Before that, I'm gonna teach you a little trick about how to use their backend manage your orders well and clearly.

I've written a blog about "How to use Full CSV in TrackingMore.com". If you have ideas about "CSV Upload" in TrackingMore.com, this blog is for your reference.

So, here's the question. They don't have any column named "Delivery Date", how can I realize it functionally? Easy!

Yes, there is no "Delivery Date", but you can treat the column of "Shipping Time" as "Delivery Date". Then you can choose "Shipping time" and "Select Time Frame", as well as sort by clicking the small button on the right. Even you can't change "Shipping Time" to "Delivery Timeline in Amazon", the function you need can be achievable in this way. That's why I call it a "trick".

In Trackingmore backend, you can set "Exception" rules to the specific courier("Notifications" → "Select Couriers"). This rule is based on the "Residence time(how long the courier hasn't updated the tracking information since the last tracking information)" & "Transit Time" of each package(I'll explain more detailedly in another blog). Once you set this rule, it'll help to remind you. So you can take proactive actions and handle the orders at risk.

Meanwhile, you can change the status by clicking the icon on its right to change the status into the normal one. In this way, you can "restore" the status of the one you've taken actions. It saves your time and energy to remember all the "issued" orders and "issue-solved" orders.

I believe this feature is not only applicative to Amazon shop owners. Any online shop owners who want to provide better customer services can also try this one. It's not just "Shipping Time" or "Delivery Date", it can also be any date you want if you think it's important and useful.

Speaking of improving customer experiences, this platform also has many other great features. Except for receiving email alerts, you can also write your own email templates so your customers can receive emails when their package status has changed(in transit, out for delivery, delivered and so on).

You can also generate your own tracking page and include the link of your own tracking page in the template that you're going to send to your customers.

Trust me, it'll benefit your business and help you do better in customer services. Click here to register a free account and explore it now! Take a look to see if I'm telling the truth.



Track multiple parcels - How to use Full CSV in TrackingMore.com

E-commerce simplifies the shopping experience for both consumers and vendors. For consumers, they don't need to leave home and almost everything can be bought online. Especially for things which are not sold in nearby shops. Despite saving time, they're also able to research products and compare prices among retailers. For vendors, since the consumers overcome geographical barriers, they're able to send the products to consumers directly no matter where they are. Although online shopping is convenient, it's also a big challenge for both consumers and vendors to track their parcels and make sure it can be delivered on time. So we have various kinds of tracking tools to help with that. It is obvious that general consumers only have few parcels need to be tracked after shopping online. While vendors usually need to track hundreds or even thousands of parcels to make sure that all their customers can receive their product in time. And they can also do something once ther

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